Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I only cried for twenty minues during the SATs.

SAT scores have been revealed. I've got to say, I'm not completely bummed. I got above a 460 in everything so this means I don't have to take most of my finals.

As a matter of fact...

490- Reading
550- Writing

I'm a little disappointed because I really wanted to get over a 620 in one of the Englishes, I would be free of Mr. English Teacher's English Final. But, I did not. Now I have to brush up on everything and do well on it. But, due to incentives from all the teachers, I will not have to do a chemistry, math, or history final. All I'll have is pottery, ASL, and English. Not bad for end of the year testing. I'm super excited over the writing score; I kinda kicked the essay's butt. I don't think that I can go into detail about it online (can I?) but basically I only referenced to one book as one, really specific supporting detail over the topic. I got a score of 4 from both readers. I was expecting something less because I spent the beginning ten minutes trying to find my thoughts, and literally erased and re-started the essay about four times. It wasn't a "4" worthy to me. Granted I'd like a 6. That would be nice.

I would re-take the SATs next year, but then I'd be re-taking them next year.