Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back from the depths of ____.

So the doctor. Oh my lawd. I have never been so nervous in my life. I was shaking the entire ride there and held back tears the entire time. Then the shot came.

It felt like.... LLLIKKEEE..... an insignificant pinch.

All the worry for nothing.

There's a small man sitting next to me. He's wearing dark sun glasses so I won't know where he's looking.

He's about two feet from the computer screen now.

Oh sweet Jesus. He's logging into the computer next to me.

Oh I got to hear a classmate play guitar today. Not bad. I wish I could play guitar. I'm on the computer in the computer room. It's terrible in here, so white and sterile. The blinding overhead light is killing me. I wish I had blinders on.... or a visor. You know, that nerdy hat that looks like a duck bill? Yeah. that would help me. I really dislike this room. It's so confining.

On top of that, this computer doesn't have firefox. I love firefox. We go way back. Instead I'm forced to utilize the few options offered by old and tired Internet Explorer. No spell check. Not fast enough for me and my speedy needs. Nothing. It literally is only used to explore the internet. Nothing to help anyone. It's useless. The only good thing I can find from IE is that I was able to download firefox from it. But other than that... nada.

Also, please don't think that I actually spell this badly.

Like I said.

There is no spell check, and this keyboard is huge for my tiny hands.

In some cultures, they would be considered near-nubs.

OH. And I'm playing the Priest in the book you're making us read. Did I mention that I'm terrible at reading out loud? Oh what's that? YOU ALREADY GATHERED SO? My lawd. I killed the Crucible. I really did, Mr. English Teacher. I was able to, not only gain the ability to completely mis-pronounce the word "conjure," but I was able to do a personal best at failing in front of people by MESSING UP THE WORDS, TWISTING THEM AND CHANGING ORDERS.

I......... I've failed you. All of you. -turns to English Honors 11- 


1 comment:

  1. With appropriately dramatic flair, you apologized for something you should not have. The language is dated, and you were reading it cold.
