Thursday, February 10, 2011

V8. Three of your daily vegetable servings in one.

I have not utilized the aspect of the internet where I can show you videos and songs that make me happy. I believe that I should start.

At the moment, I have nothing to say about music or general entertainment.

God the library just filled up fast. There are numerous people sitting on either side of me. I dislike it. I miss my iPod. I'd go get it, but then I'd be getting it. Meh. The Friend With Pigtails is watching anime and stuff next to me. Very philosophical. We had a substitute in your class today. I really hate when you have subs. It's not the
sub. It's that the whole class feels wasted. I tried to work on my story on four different computers. FOUR DIFFERENT COMPUTERS. The first one just turned off randomly. Twice. The second one I brought to my desk was locked on someone's profile. The third one was labeled "Not For Google Docs Use" with a sticky note. And finally, the last one was missing the latch to open it. TO OPEN IT. Luckily, The Friend With Pigtails is a ninja at opening the closed one and got it ready for me. So, when I finally got logged into a good, working computer, it was about five minutes until the bell was to ring. Got to love technology.

One Acts are coming up very soon. I'm so..... I don't know how to describe it. Last minute competitions are always terrible for me. Poetry, Drama, and even the writing competition thingy. I always second guess everything. I have no confidence in what I'd be doing whatsoever. 

At least there are good friends that can help ease my nerves. Who knows? Maybe One Acts will be a chance for me to get closer to people I've been waiting to make a move for a while. I'll have Him in the back of my mind the whole time.

Gah, my book. I have been so done with it for the longest time. The concept is annoying me, the writing is turning to muck, and I'm just plain tired of this. I'm going to be so happy when I'm done with it, even though I know when I send it in I'm going to second guess EVERYTHING.

Got to go.

I have stalkers watching what I'm saying.

Maybe if I scroll enough they won't watch.

Meh. Blogging over.

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