Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy valentine's day, high school loner.

Yes, it's that day again. Valentine's day. The day that everyone either loves, or hates. Everyone seems to have a definite opinion on the matter. Some claim that it's a made up holiday by Hallmark to get people to spend more money on useless things. Other people find it to be a magical day that gives the normal person the ability to show their love and attraction without ridicule. I, for one, find it the best of both worlds. Yes, it's pointless. Why should people be more open and loving just because of the date? But on the other hand, the air does seem to carry a bit of magic. Everyone's hopeful that their love will come out of hiding and let them know that they are indeed, loved.

The worst part is the end of the day when you realize that the day has ended. When all the balloons and flowers deflate and die, when your imagination is put to rest, and when you're no longer walking through a day of fairy tales. The worst? The realization. Everything crashes around you, and you understand the depths of your stupidity for over anticipating a lovely day. For creating impossible circumstances. That day is Valentine's Day.

Anyway. That's my views.

So, I'm again in the library. At least I'm not in the computer room. Thank goodness. I think your English 10 class is in there. I know your sub is, with a class... last period... is that your class? Yes it is. They're on blogspot too. Well, one of them is. I don't know what they're doing. (I'm sitting at the widow by the way, stalking your class)

They're having a good time. I empathize. I remember when I was in English 10 and I had good time- WAIT A MINUTE! I didn't even remotely enjoy English last year at all! Last period for 80 minutes every other day. I died, FOR 80 MINUTES. LAST PERIOD. EVERY. OTHER. DAY. I at least had The Friend With Pigtails there. But still. She never was able to take the terrible out of it. English this year, however,is a complete 180 difference.

I have rehearsal tonight. Only the mechanical. I AM A MECHANICAL. I must leave.