Thursday, April 7, 2011

Titles are for squares.

And I, sir, am most definitely NOT a square.

Goats are pretty awesome. I like goats. We should get together sometime and talk about goats.

Remember when we were kids and our advisers used to force the laws we must abide to down our throats? I was thinking about how illogical they are. Perhaps it's my teenage rebelliousness, but rules from childhood are more often than not proven to be useless.

Simple rules like "look both ways before crossing the street" are pretty good. But those are just common sense.

I'm talking about the ones that are created by parents with special interests to control their kids for life. One of the most common broken rule that I've noticed around my peers is the one about virginity. "Keeping it until marriage" they always used to say in elementary school. And especially if one comes from a generally over-religious family, that sentence is constantly awarded. But when kids hit high school, and even some in middle school, start realizing that they have the power to please, they suddenly forget their mom and dad's teachings and just go out with who ever they want. Parents that continue to reinforce their abstinence mind set on their kids, actually force them to go out and rebel faster. Then the parents get suspicious and angry and start making ridiculous requests, allowing the parents to lose credibility and sanity in the kids' eyes, so they don't actually listen to the parents any more.

And that's how babies are made.

Luckily for me, I have not had to deal with all of this. I'm about as much of a hermit as one can get.

I really don't go anywhere. I'm always either at home or at school.

I really wish I'd go out for a walk or something. It really has been nicer lately outdoors.

But I'm always confined inside.


  1. And then you get clymidia and die.

  2. Perhaps you should see The Men Who Stare at Goats. I think you would enjoy it.
