Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I can always assume.

Wow, fourth quarter is over.

Well, for the most part. It's pretty incredible. I spent all this year complaining about how much homework (portfolio work) in English, and how many more entries I needed, and now it's all over.Granted, I'm so glad that I don't have the work hanging over my head now, but seriously. I'm pretty much done with Honors English 11. It's such a sad thing to realize. I really liked the conversations we had in class; I always felt so smart.

Now I'm off to AP English. It's not something I'm looking forward to. I have friends who say they wish they could go back to Honors English 11. I'm one of them now. We should get jackets.

I'll be with the same group of kids, yes. Maybe we can still govern our own book groups. I doubt it; I heard the class has a lot of busy work. So basically I'll be bored without any work. Lovely.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How many did I need again?

About three million more.

I've been looking back on the older posts (and even old journal entrees written in an actual journal... o_o) and I'm glad that I don't whine as much. Cassie's right. I'm a whine bag.

Anyway. So portfolios are due soon. Too soon. Mr. English Teacher, you enjoy this too much. I've got a terrible lit. analysis on The Great Gatsby and an unfinished story I was originally only experimenting with. Luckily, I know where I'm going with the plot, however, I'm terrible at condensing my work. There's no way I can write the story in the amount of days I have left. I know it was no excuse, but Drama really took a lot of my time. Not being on the computer that often at home really pulled weight on my (lack of) work. I just want to get a B in English again. B-? Sure. I need to get honor roll again. Then I'd have one whole year under my belt, as opposed to freshman year and sophomore year where grades went to hell and back.

I was thinking of the other story I had been working on, Nonexistent. >_> So much time was wasted on that story. I wrote it and finished it poorly. They Guy wants to read it. Lol, yeah right. The last thing I want is for him to read something I wrote. I don't let him see my drawings either. He's so much... better than me. Significantly better than me at nearly everything. It's a little disappointing. Time's going by so fast now. I want to be able to see him during the summer, and I will. I can't wait to take him to our towns' festival this summer. It's so lame and terrible. He's going to thoroughly enjoy it. KNOWING HIM HE'D ENJOY IT BETTER THAN ME. BECAUSE HE DOES EEVVEERRYYTTHHIINNGG BETTER THAN ME.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'll Meet You There

Owl City is a pretty awesome musical group. I can see where some people would get bored with them, but then again, it doesn't matter what people think, right? I'm not one of those people who only listens to music that no one else listens to; but at the same time I'm not a pop culture buff either. I like to think that I have a nice variety of well known, kinda known, and unknown music. That way I can function in normal society, while still being different. When I find someone that listens to a group that I think is virtually unknown, it makes me so happy (assuming that the person is someone I'd like to have something in common with, not some gross, gnarly person).

Lately I've been listening to more A Perfect Circle. I've always liked their old album, "Thirteenth Step," and recently downloaded their second one "Mer De Noms." Not. Bad. At. All.

I forgot what possessed me to do so, but I used to have the discography. Well, my really awesome 4GB iPod didn't hold a whole lot of music so I ended up deleting most of their music. (Shut up, I was like, fourteen. I appreciated nothing.) Well, the other day I listened to music on the computer, and "3 Libras" came on, and when I heard the famous "you don't, you don't, you don't, see me!" I was all, "... :3" And do I am adding their albums back. It was sad at the time because that was a confusing time when I thought The Guy didn't like me as a person at all. I love when songs say exactly what I'm feeling. APC is a good translator. I'm a fan. My Best Friend likes them too. She's actually the one that got me into them what? Freshman year? She;s going through a hard time. >_> More like a hard year. I hate being so damn useless. I'm unable to comfort her. I make attempts, but they're all without winning.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Guy is a pretty cool dude.

I'm happy. I'm really, really happy. He's pretty awesome. It's not even awkward having his mom be my teacher. Ha... I've known her longer than I've known him. That's odd, but whatever. She's super funny, and I'm pretty sure she approves of me.

For the viewers that don't know, she's my art and drama teacher. We'll call her.... Ms. Drama Teacher. The best part? My mom likes her. This is turning into something really quite.... right. I mean, I'm doing everything right this time. This is the first relationship I haven't hidden from her. Mainly because I'm not ashamed of the guy. I've risen my standards since last year. And one lonely year went by where sometimes I'd regret it, because it kinda sucks to be alone all the time. But It's so much more worth it to be with someone that is a respectable and kind and over-all nice guy.

I was watching my recording of the play last night. Our voices are magical together. :3

Monday, May 23, 2011

I found love...

.....for pancakes. Nah, just kidding. I'd like to think I have a normal feeling towards pancakes, not an obsession.

But I think I found reasonable capacity for love. You see, it's actually a really good story. Y'all know I got the role of Ariel in Footloose. Well, this awesome thing happened where the guy that plays my love in the play is super duper in real life; he's a genuinely nice and understanding guy. I've obviously known this for a long time, but having to spend long hours day in and day out (oh darn) with him, I've grown to know him a lot better. If I were to describe the best kind of guy for me, he would seriously incorporate all the things The Guy stands for. (I'll refer to him as "The Guy" here, so as to not use his actual name; Mr. English Teacher will probably know who I'm talking about anyway, but the world doesn't need to know.)  I've been waiting so long for him to not be preoccupied with girls. Being new to The Town, (and having a reputation of being incredible before actually coming here) everyone was nuts for him. Seriously. I haven't met a girl here yet that wasn't attracted to him. It was actually pretty discouraging after a while. I thought he'd never be free long enough to notice me.

Just talking to him for a little bit and you'd realize he commits to whatever relationship he's in for the long haul; he doesn't just date for the sake of dating.

This is where my plan gets in action.

All Drama Club we've been getting closer. There are actually some pretty interesting stories about how we got to be where we are. One being the oh so famous kiss between Ariel and Ren (main characters). It. Took. Forever. He was nervous; he just couldn't do it. I (of course) was all "OH IT'S FINE. I'M GOOD." But he as all "....it's personal to me." Now, me, being my awesome self, took that as, "HE DOESN'T CARE FOR ME. I'M FOREVER ALONE."

Eventually we worked on it enough (stage kissing, it's different. The guy's supposed to put his thumb on the girl's lips and he kisses that. T_T) so that it wasn't awkward.

Well, anyway. So this past weekend was the showings. One on Saturday, and two on Sunday. Like always, we hung out a lot. Little things like holding hands in between scenes took place. I, of course, enjoyed every minute of it. But there was always a little bit of doubt in my mind. I was unsure if he was returning the kindness because he didn't know what to do, just to be kind, or if he actually really wanted to. So, moving on. Sunday, we just got done with the first showing; it was successful. We had about two or three hours until we had to preform for the last time and like normal, we hung out.


I know Mr. English Teacher probably doesn't care to listen to MORE of my droning on about The Guy in  dreamy tone.

But hey, I can't help it.

It's hard not to think of your new boyfriend like that. ;D

Friday, May 20, 2011


As you followers may know, this blog is an assignment for my English class. This entails very little guidelines, but occasionally forces specific entrees out of me. This is one of them.

I did a report on vouchers via Prezi, and was recorded in class. It was a terrifying experience.

Luckily my thoughtful, wonderful, and insightful English teacher, [Mr. English Teacher] has allowed me the honor of critiquing myself.

For starters, on a positive note, I looked like I had confidence, which I was actually pretty nervous. My knees were shaking and everything. I knew my information well enough to handle the questions thrown at me, and I was able to not completely read from the slide and my note cards.

Now, for the unpleasant part of reflection. The negatives. Well, I said the phrase "you know" too many times. It was like when people say "like" and "uh" too much, and instead of listening to their work, you end up counting how many times they say it. Well, that was me with "y'know." Also, I swayed a little. I also found flaws in my presentation [as linked above]. I had WAY too much movement in my prezi. I got carried away with the zooming. It's kind of cool on the computer screen, but extremely obnoxious on Mr. English Teacher's smart board. On some mechanical levels, I could have taken more time to make my information not so vague throughout the presentation. I started out with a lot of really awesome info, but ended up not being able to fit it in logically. If I had spent more time on it, it would have been better.

At least taking honors English 11 has shaped me into a great presenter. I've molded a standard for myself to be able to give a presentation, recite poetry, and play characters into a play. I've improved on annunciation and projection. I will never fail at presenting.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh And Also...

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. 

Oh Lawds

I need about ten more posts to fill my English class quota. I've been super busy with Drama Club, a history project, and just plain life. I have none, but it sure takes up a lot of my time. I spend most of it pretending to be awesome. My history project was on the 1950's. I like the style. But being the first to present is death. My class is outspoken. Unruly. Kinda like this.

Why can't they be more...... More like this.

Then I'd be able to present without feeling like I want to strangle every single one of them with the intensity of one thousand men.


Every two sentences someone screamed nonsense. And every three sentences someone asked a stupid question.







Then the awesome kids who were the worst got really mad when we handed out the test and they didn't know any of the answers. Tough luck. THEN they all complained because they wanted to go next and we had to take two classes to present a twenty minute project.

Well, at least it's Friday.

Lol... Friday.....

Friday, Friday, gettin' down on Friday.