Friday, May 20, 2011


As you followers may know, this blog is an assignment for my English class. This entails very little guidelines, but occasionally forces specific entrees out of me. This is one of them.

I did a report on vouchers via Prezi, and was recorded in class. It was a terrifying experience.

Luckily my thoughtful, wonderful, and insightful English teacher, [Mr. English Teacher] has allowed me the honor of critiquing myself.

For starters, on a positive note, I looked like I had confidence, which I was actually pretty nervous. My knees were shaking and everything. I knew my information well enough to handle the questions thrown at me, and I was able to not completely read from the slide and my note cards.

Now, for the unpleasant part of reflection. The negatives. Well, I said the phrase "you know" too many times. It was like when people say "like" and "uh" too much, and instead of listening to their work, you end up counting how many times they say it. Well, that was me with "y'know." Also, I swayed a little. I also found flaws in my presentation [as linked above]. I had WAY too much movement in my prezi. I got carried away with the zooming. It's kind of cool on the computer screen, but extremely obnoxious on Mr. English Teacher's smart board. On some mechanical levels, I could have taken more time to make my information not so vague throughout the presentation. I started out with a lot of really awesome info, but ended up not being able to fit it in logically. If I had spent more time on it, it would have been better.

At least taking honors English 11 has shaped me into a great presenter. I've molded a standard for myself to be able to give a presentation, recite poetry, and play characters into a play. I've improved on annunciation and projection. I will never fail at presenting.

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