Monday, May 23, 2011

I found love...

.....for pancakes. Nah, just kidding. I'd like to think I have a normal feeling towards pancakes, not an obsession.

But I think I found reasonable capacity for love. You see, it's actually a really good story. Y'all know I got the role of Ariel in Footloose. Well, this awesome thing happened where the guy that plays my love in the play is super duper in real life; he's a genuinely nice and understanding guy. I've obviously known this for a long time, but having to spend long hours day in and day out (oh darn) with him, I've grown to know him a lot better. If I were to describe the best kind of guy for me, he would seriously incorporate all the things The Guy stands for. (I'll refer to him as "The Guy" here, so as to not use his actual name; Mr. English Teacher will probably know who I'm talking about anyway, but the world doesn't need to know.)  I've been waiting so long for him to not be preoccupied with girls. Being new to The Town, (and having a reputation of being incredible before actually coming here) everyone was nuts for him. Seriously. I haven't met a girl here yet that wasn't attracted to him. It was actually pretty discouraging after a while. I thought he'd never be free long enough to notice me.

Just talking to him for a little bit and you'd realize he commits to whatever relationship he's in for the long haul; he doesn't just date for the sake of dating.

This is where my plan gets in action.

All Drama Club we've been getting closer. There are actually some pretty interesting stories about how we got to be where we are. One being the oh so famous kiss between Ariel and Ren (main characters). It. Took. Forever. He was nervous; he just couldn't do it. I (of course) was all "OH IT'S FINE. I'M GOOD." But he as all "'s personal to me." Now, me, being my awesome self, took that as, "HE DOESN'T CARE FOR ME. I'M FOREVER ALONE."

Eventually we worked on it enough (stage kissing, it's different. The guy's supposed to put his thumb on the girl's lips and he kisses that. T_T) so that it wasn't awkward.

Well, anyway. So this past weekend was the showings. One on Saturday, and two on Sunday. Like always, we hung out a lot. Little things like holding hands in between scenes took place. I, of course, enjoyed every minute of it. But there was always a little bit of doubt in my mind. I was unsure if he was returning the kindness because he didn't know what to do, just to be kind, or if he actually really wanted to. So, moving on. Sunday, we just got done with the first showing; it was successful. We had about two or three hours until we had to preform for the last time and like normal, we hung out.


I know Mr. English Teacher probably doesn't care to listen to MORE of my droning on about The Guy in  dreamy tone.

But hey, I can't help it.

It's hard not to think of your new boyfriend like that. ;D