Monday, March 7, 2011


I just noticed that I have a problem with my font. It's so small. I've tried to fix it, but for some reason it doesn't change back easily.

"Melissa here. Bre has taken over my computer space so I must blog on her account. Oh no she's writing on mine now. Hannah's mad at my mad typing skillz. Oh no. Colby And I just bonded over diabetes. Oh please oh please make me a large black man. Iam gonna see what Bre is writing over on my page now. I just tryed to type Bre's name as Be. LOL. Now she's ranting about Colby not holding her hand. :)
Bye. Ima go steal my computer back. RAWR."

Bre again. Everyone's on edge today. I have no idea why. I just want everything to be quiet.

My stomach started to hurt last night before bed. Well, not hurt. I was just hungry, but then later on during the night I kept waking up because my stomach was eating itself for survival. By morning I was in so much pain. It didn't occur to me that I was hungry. I still ate breakfast but my god the pain never stopped all day. On top of that, I couldn't stop sweating; not the kind where you drip from perspiration, but you can feel the heat and a little sheer coating of clamminess.

God I'm tired. I have no drive to get up. Or move. I hope I'm not getting sick. Maybe I'll have more power for drama. Yawn. I just yawned.

Mr. Math Teacher is going to be a guest judge for drama tomorrow. I'm excited.

I'm still hungry. EAT SOME MORE FATTY. <- inner monologue.

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