"Melissa here. Bre has taken over my computer space so I must blog on her account. Oh no she's writing on mine now. Hannah's mad at my mad typing skillz. Oh no. Colby And I just bonded over diabetes. Oh please oh please make me a large black man. Iam gonna see what Bre is writing over on my page now. I just tryed to type Bre's name as Be. LOL. Now she's ranting about Colby not holding her hand. :)
Bye. Ima go steal my computer back. RAWR."
Bre again. Everyone's on edge today. I have no idea why. I just want everything to be quiet.
My stomach started to hurt last night before bed. Well, not hurt. I was just hungry, but then later on during the night I kept waking up because my stomach was eating itself for survival. By morning I was in so much pain. It didn't occur to me that I was hungry. I still ate breakfast but my god the pain never stopped all day. On top of that, I couldn't stop sweating; not the kind where you drip from perspiration, but you can feel the heat and a little sheer coating of clamminess.
God I'm tired. I have no drive to get up. Or move. I hope I'm not getting sick. Maybe I'll have more power for drama. Yawn. I just yawned.
Mr. Math Teacher is going to be a guest judge for drama tomorrow. I'm excited.
I'm still hungry. EAT SOME MORE FATTY. <- inner monologue.
I never called you fat.