Monday, March 28, 2011

Quarter Four, number one.

Wow, Friday was busy. I had to do a lot of presenting and performing. O.O

In your class, actually, was the beginning of it. I had to present my project on school vouchers, which went okay. I didn't gather the intensity your smart board would put on my obnoxious movements in Prezi. Toward the end of my visual roller coaster, I added a lot of back and fourth movements. It looks really cool on a computer screen, but on the large plane? Wow. It would have been sickening. So I made a (literally) last second decision to manually click on the places for the last few "slides." Obviously the clicker was sensitive to different areas, making the last twenty seconds or so very messy and ending abruptly. With all that going on, I realized I spoke too fast the entire presentation. I had my timing down to around seven minutes at home, and even when I presented for Cassie and Melissa. But when I got up there I just plowed through everything I rehearsed to say. Figures. I have no idea what my time was, but I'm guessing it's not too long. >_>

However, I was happy to see that peoples' responses were generally good. I'd give it a good.... 56% of people that said "You weren't nervous at all!"

Which made me giggle because I was so nervous my knees were shaking. I'd probably fall over if I tried to walk around during the presentation.

Anyway. So then after school I had auditions for Footloose. (which I'd been fretting about for over a week, and maybe even contributed to my nervousness in English...) I went third in auditioning. I didn't even have my lines in hand until I walked through the door because I was so early on in the event. I had just learned my auditioning song the night before. A High School Musical song actually. Everyone asked what song I chose. Lol, I never answered. This is why.

Don't listen to the whole thing. Your ears will commit suicide. Her voice is so whiney and annoying.

Anyway. So the audition went on. I tried out for the lead, Ariel, and also for the second lead, Rusty. (Ariel's best friend) I knew I wasn't going to get either one, but I figured "shoot for the lead and be happy with what you land."

The hardest part was reading from a paper that I had never seen before and be expected to give the emotion that's needed for the part. It's the Crucible all over again.

But apparently I did okay.


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